NYU (where I teach) provided this site with a variety of ideas. I have additionally added a list of others below.


In-(remote)class Assessment

A lot of the software that teachers currently use in the physical classroom are still available in a remote setting. Kahoot! is a great example of this. They have created a website to explain how to go about this https://kahoot.com/blog/2020/03/09/how-to-host-kahoot-remotely/


Having students show there work

I sat in at one of my daughter's classrooms and watched how her teacher leveraged white boards as a means to quickly observe how students were understanding the concept.


One way you might be able to do a similar thing in Zoom is by using the Gallery View and having students show their paper on the camera. I would suggest that you ask that they use paper and either a sharpie or some other thinker marker to make it easier to read.


You could also click on "Manage Participants" on the bottom menu and highlight a student from the Participation list that shows up on the left to see them fullscreen
